Om oss
The company Plus Pellets GmbH is listed in the commercial register at the District Court of Hanover under the commercial register number HRB 215782 . The company Plus Pellets GmbH can be contacted in writing via the company address Robert-Henseling-Straße 11, 31789 Hamelnbe reached. The company was founded on October 5th, 2017 and entered in the commercial register at the District Court of Hanover.
To the company Plus Pellets GmbH there are 3 registration notices.
Plus Pellets GmbH are an experienced supplier of Wood Pellets in Europe.
From retail packaging for nationwide suppliers through to bulk for domestic biomass fuel companies we supply Wood Pellets for multiple use cases and industries. We are ENplus A1, FSC® Certified and BSL Authorised and along with Pellet Fuel we also supply Animal Bedding, Cat Litter and Briquettes.
OH number:
District Court of Hanover
Commercial register number:
HRB 215782 Date of
October 5th , 2017
Legal form:
Limited liability company
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